Become a Firebird Friend
Without the loyal following of our audience members none of what we do would be possible. The Firebird Friends & Benefactors Society is at the heart of our organisation. This association of around 100 supporters provides the bedrock of funding for our orchestra.
Join us on our journey to secure our future by becoming a Firebird Friend from as little as £50 a year…
We are currently planning an exciting season for 2016-17 which we know you will enjoy. But each concert costs several thousands of pounds to produce. Even with good ticket sales from our more popular concerts, Firebird’s concert income falls short of its expenditure.
The need for subsidy is a reality encountered by almost all projects in the performing arts world. Now even more than before it is vital that we can generate financial support from our Friends will enables the orchestra’s work to continue to prosper.
Membership of the Friends & Benefactors Society focuses upon charitable giving. However, the orchestra is very keen to acknowledge support and to offer what it can in return. Members are invited to an annual reception at the start of each concert season every autumn, at which there is a chance to meet the orchestra’s players and conductors. Supporters also enjoy priority booking and other privileges at the concerts themselves, as well as recognition in concert programmes and on the website.
“Firebird Orchestra combines a high level of musical competence with the exuberance of youth. They are a delight to watch perform and we are proud to support these young musicians as they set out to establish their careers.”
Michael & Helen Brown
Chair Benefactors of Firebird Orchestra
(Sponsoring the 1st Violin Chair)
And there are many different options to suit your pocket and the level of engagement you are looking for.